Play Store Enhancer

A bookmarklet for viewing installed/bought apps

Fetch all apps automatically. Search, sort, and filter all columns. Show paid apps only.

Installation and Usage

  1. Drag the button below to your bookmarks bar:

    Play Store Enhancer

  2. Go to your account page (or simply click the bookmarklet, and it'll take you there).
  3. Click your new bookmarklet.
  4. That's it. No login required, no app installation, no spooky permissions - just a simple bookmarklet spicing up your account page!

Installation for the Paranoid

The bookmarklet above fetches the play store enhancer scripts directly from github, and injects it into the play store page. That way, you always have the newest version available. Alternatively, you generate an "offline" bookmarklet yourself by copying the source into bookmarkleter.

Supported browsers

The bookmarklet has been tested in


The source is available on github.